Ride 11/01/2014

Ride 11/01/2014 by PaulLund at Garmin Connect – Details.

Another bright sunny day but that doesn’t belie just how friggin cold it is, and that would come back to bite me. Decided to do a loop around Dunblane and Sheriffmuir which was about 48 miles. After 3 hours of riding my hands, although wearing gloves, were numb and getting painful from being so bloody cold, and I still had another 50 mins of riding. Temperatures had dropped to zero and medium distance in the cold is never fun. Thankfully I made it home without frostbite and after a long and hot bath I’m feeling more myself.

Ride 02/01/2014

Ride 02/01/2014 by PaulLund at Garmin Connect – Details.

Some on road and off road with a stop off at the Antonine Wall and Rough Castle Fort.