Ride 30/05/2015 Erskine Bridge

Ride 30/05/2015

Another not too bad weekend, some sunshine, cloud and 12-15 mph wind. Decided to go a route that would take me over the Erskine bridge, hadn’t been on this bridge and I was curious. It’s a long ride and I would be riding against the wind for the most of it until I swung round and hit Paisley then the wind would be behind me I’m not a fan of riding in big cities but Paisley was quite nice until I hit Glasgow and the traffic Anyway 95 miles knocked out and I’m not too tired.

Ride 23/05/2015 Ochils Full Loop

Ride 23/05/2015

Well it’s a nice sunny day so I decided to to my Ochils Full Loop which normally is around 82 miles but I wanted to ride 100 miles today so I continued on until I hit may mark. Not too windy but because I’m doing a loop I would hit one direction and have it behind me another and then hit it again to bump up my mileage. All in all a good days ride and even after a 100 miles i’m tired but not FUBAR which can happen on some of my long distance riding

Ride 04/05/2015

Ride 04/05/2015

Well it’s another not a bad bank holiday weather wise, still a little windy but the sun is out so did a quick Fintry loop. Given the wind speed that’s actually a good average speed, fighting the head wind all up the hills, and then had it behind me on the flat into Stirling, happy with that

Ride 02/05/2015

Ride 02/05/2015

Well first long distance ride of the year and I have sore legs :-(. Riding against a 16 mph headwind just hurts, thank god it was behind me for the way home otherwise I would have caught the train home. Note to self riding on the A92 probably not a good idea people treat it like a motorway, scary just like the A9 which I avoid at all costs!