Ride 22/09/2017

Ride 22/09/2017

It was a pleasant day so I decided to ride to Kirkcaldy it was even sunny by the time I got there. Not a particularly long ride but its the last ride I’m going to get before heading out to Veitnam. Of course by the time I got back to Falkirk it was cloudy and overcast but still warm. Anyway 66 miles clocked up and thats it until I get back from my Charity ride in Vietnam and Cambodia

Ride 17/09/2017

Ride 17/09/2017

Another reasonable day, at least this time it didn’t rain, so decided to ride the A91 to Milnathort. First down to Stirling pick up the A91 and ride it all the way to Milnathort, turn round and ride back the way I came. Changed up the return route by going to Falin and hugging the Forth until I got near home. A far better speed this week none of this 14 mph crap back up to the 16 mph by now I’m knackered.

Ride 09/09/2017 Pentlands Loop

Ride 09/09/2017 Pentlands loop

Well the weather forecast said it would be a “dry” day so I decided to do a loop around the Pentland hills. Its a more hilly route than most but a reasonable ride around the Scottish countryside, at least until you hit Edinburgh where the roads get busy. Unfortunately for me the weather forecast was wrong and 5 miles from home it chucked it down and of course me with not wet gear got soaked to the bone anyway 82 miles knocked out.

Ride 02/09/2017 Faslane Loop

Ride 02/09/2017 Faslane loop

Well it was a reasonably nice day so decided to ride to Faslane Naval Base and back via Loch Lomond. It’s been a while since I’ve done the ride and I went a slightly different way from Faslane to Loch Lomond which is actually better than riding on the A817 which was the way I went last time. So 101 miles clocked up today in 7 hours and I’m quick tired now.