Ride 31/08/2013 Kilsyth Hills

Ride 31/08/2013 Kilsyth Hills by PaulLund at Garmin Connect – Details.

Sometimes the Scottish weather really pisses me off! Forecast very windy and no rain, 5 miles out I get drenched So now I’m cold and wet, but I press on. It did brighten up a bit but I’m still fighting a 15 mph head wind all the way up to Milton of Campsie. Some crazy hill climbing but I did eventually make it back home, absolutely knackered now 75 miles in 5:42 and 4700 feet climbed.

Ride 03/08/2013 Callendar Cycle Trails

Ride 03/08/2013 Callendar Cycle Trails by PaulLund at Garmin Connect – Details.

Given that today was going to be a bad weather day, 20+ mph winds and rain with a tiny bit of sun I decided to do some mountain biking instead as it’s safer. I heard about the Callendar Cycle Trails but have never actually ridden them, so had a go at the 4 routes that exist. I would say they were designed for beginners as they are quite easy and very short, all 4 combined equal 10 miles or so. I added a few bits of my own to bump up the mileage and finished the ride at the Helix next to the Kelpies.