Ride 30/06/2018

Ride 30/06/2018

Another glorious day to be cycling so decided to cycle to St Andrews going along the fife coastal route. Unfortunately this was against a head wind which didn’t help as I would be up against the wind for about 40 miles :-/. Once I reached St Andrews it would be better as I would have the tail wind until I hit Powmil. Of course all the hills were at the end of the ride and then I had to ride against the wind again back home and it didn’t help that I forgot to start the Garmin for the first 4 miles :-(. Anyway 100 miles clocked up but the avg speed took a hit due to the head winds and I’m quite tired now.

Ride 24/06/2018

Ride 24/06/2018

Its a nice sunny day today albeit a bit windy so I don’t have time to pussyfoot around moving into the new home it’s on the bike to do some cycling As rides go this is a good route especially on a day like this, plenty of hills in it and some nice downhills with a good flat section into Kirkcaldy. So I had a tail wind on the flat to Kircaldy with a head wind along to Milnathort and a crosswind back to Crossgates. All this equates to a good avg speed of 17.5 mph so 35 miles clocked up in 2 hours, happy with that

Ride 17/06/2018

Ride 17/06/2018

Bit of a dull damp day today so decided to ride around the Campsie hills and a little bit over them. I was also keeping my foot down to increase my average speed which I did achieve but boy did my legs hurt for it. Did quite well speed wise with an average speed of 17 mph for the 60 mile run and time wise I got 50 miles done in 2:47:38 which was faster than the last 50 mile sprint I did but I was hammering the flat along the A811 and managed to get a 5 mile lap done in under 12 mins which is probably the fastest split I’ve ever had and the next split was 13 mins All in all a good days ride, bar my sore legs but thats what I get for cycling 10 miles at an average speed of 23 mph.

Ride 09/06/2018 Falkirk to Aberdeen missing bit.

Ride 09/06/2018 Falkirk to Aberdeen missing bit.

So the actual map of this can be found at https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/19001086

So this is the last little bit I had to ride from where my Garmin went flat to Aberdeen. Tallying all of this up I would have cycled 132 miles in around 9 hours at an average speed of about 15 mph. I got to Aberdeen railway station just after 17:00 so my total lapsed time including breaks was around 11 hours, I started cycling at 06:00 in the morning. This is my new distance record for a single days ride and anything longer than this will require some new bike equipment that can stand the test of time

Ride 09/06/2018 Falkirk to Aberdeen

Ride 09/06/2018 Falkirk to Aberdeen

So yesterday I decided to ride from Falkirk to Aberdeen, this being the last city I haven’t ridden too in Scotland and one I’ve been wanted to do for a while but hadn’t due to its distance The weather was dull all the way up to Stonehaven but once past this it got sunny by the time I got to Aberdeen. This would have been the longest bike ride I’ve ever done had it not been for my Garmin going flat which is very annoying. The Garmin got as far as 120 mile not long after I had left Stonehaven so I’ll have to work out the rest for the true distance a time, that will be in the next post.