Ride 29/01/2018

Distance 43.51 mi | Time 3:02:52 | Speed 14.3 mph | Elevation 2,294 ft

Source: Ride 29/01/2018

Well it’s a sunny day today but still a bit cold so I decided ride through Carron Valley over Crow road to Lennoxtown and back home via Kilsyth. It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve ridden thanks to crap weather so today was the first opportunity with decent weather to ride. Or it was until I got to the top of Crow road where it got very dark and cold and proceeded to snow on me Thankfully by the time I got to the bottom it had stopped and with a tail wind now I could ride home comfortably.

Ride 13/01/2018

Distance 40.77 mi | Time 2:32:31 | Speed 16.0 mph | Elevation 1,385 ft

Source: Ride 13/01/2018

Not a bad day today, little wind and 5°C so I’m wasn’t going to freeze my arse off. Decided to do a loop around the Forth as it’s been a little while since I’ve done that. Not my best performance today but not bad for this early into the my season.