Ride 30/03/2024

Ride 30/03/2024

Not a bad day to be cycling today, little wind, some sunshine and mostly dry. Probably about 18 of us on the bun run today, so we split into 2 groups, I went with the faster first group. We did the usual route to the cafe stop, cycling a bit faster than the normal 9 o’clock pace, probably more like the 08:30 pace, so we were there by 10:15. Usual OJ and egg roll for fuel and then we were off again. We didn’t go down to Dollar but rather opted to go via Solsgirth and back the usual bun run route over Knockhill before dropping back down to Dunfermline. So given the shorter route I only clocked up 45 miles but at a faster pace of 17 mph which was fine as I probably need to start picking up the pace for the race season 😁

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