Ride 25/12/2022 Xmas Day

Ride 25/12/2022 Xmas Day

Christmas Day ride 2022 and it’s me, myself and I. It’s been a while since I’ve done a Forth river loop so I decided to do that today. Weather wise it was ok, a little bit of rain, a little bit of sunshine and a headwind on the out bound leg, which meant I would have a tailwind on the way home The Forth loop is a bit of a flat ride so I decided I would go up to Shieldhill, just to get some elevation in and it’s been a while since I’ve been there too. I didn’t stop for anything, no point everything was closed, so it was a straight there and back again. I had a target distance of 50 miles in mind when I started but by the time I got back home I was over 55 miles, so I decided to do a little bit extra to get the 100 Km So 65 miles knocked out at an avg speed of 15 mph which incidentally give me 300 miles for the week

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