China Day 5

China Day 5

So it’s the last day and again its flown by too quickly, need to find longer rides :-). Anyway today was a short half day ride to the Great Wall where we finished our ride, it was only 29 miles and on flat roads. The last 1k was up to the actual wall itself this was the only challenge we had that day and it was fairly easy to do.
Once there we had a quick drink of some Chinese sparkling wine and a group photo at which point we had 45 mins to walk along the wall before we caught a bus to Beijing. You can’t really get very far in 45 mins as there are a lot of stairs to climb up some very steep slopes. But I was able to get some great photos on top of one of the parapets. Don’t think I sweated so much on the bike ride as I did climbing the stairs on the Wall.
Beijing is very busy the coach journey took 3 hours! For something like 80 miles but since it was rush hour we spent a lot of that time just stuck in traffic Anyway we made it to the hotel by 18:45 which gave us an hour to get showered and changed for the evening meal. I have to say I think this was the best meal night so far the food they put out I actually liked! The rest of the night was for the foot massage but since I have ticklish feet I gave this one a miss. There was supposed to be a guided tour tomorrow but that was cancelled so we have been left to our own devices tomorrow.

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