Jordan day 4

Jordan day 4 by PaulLund at Garmin Connect – Details.

So todays wakeup was 06:30 for what I would class as a meagre breakfast and with being the second toughest day was bit of an issue, but I got by. We had a 20 mins bus ride to our starting point for today and then it straight into a awesome 9 km downhill. Of course once we hit the bottom we would have to ride back up out of the valley we were in which meant we had some difficult hill riding ahead, although not as bad as yesterday thankfully. Even though todays hills are a little bit smaller I would be still cycling up over 1600 metres. So today first hill which was the hardest of the 2 we would be tackling today took us to lunch and thank god because by the time is got there I was absolutely starving and starting to worry a bit. After stuffing my face with as much as I could we were back on the bikes and heading towards the second hill of the day which would take us up to the camp site that we would be staying at for the night. Although it was the smaller hill it was still a tough one especially after yesterday’s brutal hill climb and I was very tired by the time we hit the camp site.

We’re staying at a Bedouin camp site for tonight but it’s going to be a bit chilly but a very spicy metal later should help out. Unfortunately it was at this point I realised I had left my shoes back at the Karak hotel and all I had for footwear were my cycling shoes  and I was told that they weren’t prepared to send a car back specifically for my shoes. So for the remainder of the trip, until I got to Petra I was suck in my cycling shoes. Wasn’t too happy at that and along with my torch not working was looking at a bit of a rough night at the tent.

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